Access to continuing education through scholarships

RECLA's scholarship program fosters cooperation among partner universities by offering scholarships for continuing education programs to faculty, administrators, graduates and students from other institutions within the Network. These scholarships, which cover between 50% and 100% of tuition fees, not only promote academic exchanges and internationalization, but also strengthen the inter-university collaboration network. Through this initiative, RECLA broadens access to quality educational opportunities, facilitating the growth and professional development of scholarship recipients and contributing to a higher education that is more accessible and aligned with the demands of the labor market.

Offering universities

Consult the current scholarship offers

  • Key words

  • Knowledge area

  • Country

  • Type of scholarship

  • Modality

How to apply for a scholarship?

Check here beforehand if your university is already a member of RECLA in order to be eligible for a scholarship.

Obtain a scholarship

  1. If you have chosen the program of your preference, please contact us by e-mail: formacion@recla.orgexpressing their interest in being a beneficiary of the scholarship, along with this must attach certification issued by an institution associated to RECLA, where it confirms whether it is: teacher, administrative, graduate or current student of the same. Important: The institution offering the program must be different from the institution to which you belong.
  2. The RECLA team will confirm if the scholarship is available, the entrance requirements and additional procedures to be carried out by the interested party.
  3. Having completed the process with RECLA and having been granted/approved the scholarship, the applicant will be notified of the allocation of the quota.
  4. RECLA will inform the grantee of the procedure for payment of the scholarship program administrative fee (5% for 50% scholarships and 10% for 100% scholarships).
  5. Once the administrative fee has been paid, RECLA will inform the offering University that the scholarship holder is authorized to begin his or her studies.
  6. The offering university will contact the scholarship recipient to initiate activities. Scholarship recipients must comply with the academic and disciplinary regulations of their host universities.

Offer a scholarship

  1. RECLA members offer the Network a certain number of partial and full scholarships in Continuing Education programs. There are two modalities: full scholarships of 100% of the value of the fees and partial scholarships of 50% of the value of the fees.
  2. To enter the scholarship program, the partner institution must offer a minimum of 5 full scholarships and 5 half scholarships in at least 3 different continuing education programs.
  3. To offer scholarships and be part of this program, the partner institution must be up to date with its annual membership dues and other obligations to the Network.
  4. The scholarships offered may be in face-to-face, virtual, distance or mixed programs .
  5. The beneficiaries of the scholarships may be: non-teaching staff, professors, students or graduates of RECLA's partner universities. Each university will make the appropriate dissemination of the program among its internal communities.
  6. Each partner offering scholarships must manage the enrollment of scholarship recipients and send a report to the RECLA Secretariat, indicating that the person has successfully started his or her program.